For animal use only.
Lactatropin® should only be used under the supervision of a veterinarian or a registered animal scientist.
Composition: Each 1.4 ml contains Zinc sometribove equivalent to bovine somatotropin 500 mg.
Storage: Store under refrigeration (2-8 °C). Do not freeze. Avoid direct exposure to the sun or to excessively high or low environmental temperatures to prevent a potential decrease in product activity. May be shipped at room tempeerature for a period of up to two weeks without loss of potency.
Warning: Keep out of reach of children and uninformed persons. Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.
Indications: Lactatropin, a slow-release suspension of zinc sometribove, is for use in healthy lactating dairy cows to supplement levels of bovine somatotropin which increases milk production and improves production efficiency.
Dosage: Inject subcutaneously one syring of Lactatropin per cow every 14 days, beginning from the 9th week after calving and continuing until the end of lactation.
25 x 500 g (LVS002502)
Reg. no. G2167 (36/1947)
Reg. holder: Lionel's Veterinary Supplies, 7 Isotope St, Stikland, Bellville, 7530, Tel. 021 932 2019
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