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For animal use only.

Injectable solution for treatment of Babesiosis and Anaplasmosis.



lmidox® cures redwater (Babesiosis) and tick-borne gallsickness (Anaplasmosis) in cattle. It can be used in cattle for the prevention of Asiatic redwater for up to 4 weeks and Afr ican redwater for up to 8 weeks.  lmidox® is also indicated for the treatment of equine and canine Babesiosis. 



Each 1 mℓ contains 120 mg Imidocarb dipropionate equivalent  to Imidocarb 85 mg per mℓ.



Can be stored at temperatures higher than 8 °C but below 25 °C.   Do not freeze. Protect from light. Use the contents of  the vial within 28 days of initial broaching and discard any unused portion.


DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Use only as directed.

Sterilise all injection apparatus by boiling (or equivalent) before use. Avoid use of strong disinfectants on apparatus.

Maintain cleanliness at all times.

Keep needles sharp and clean. Replace frequently.

Use shortest needle possible, certainly not exceeding 15 mm.

As far as possible avoid injection of animals during wet weather or under dusty conditions.

This product should be injected only under the skin, preferably high on the neck behind the ear.


Pack sizes and Ordering codes

100 ml (LVS98031)


Reg. No. G3257 (36/1947)

Reg. Holder: Ceva Animal Health (Pty) Ltd, P O Box 770, 7Halfway House 1685, Tel. 011 312 4088,

Company Reg. No. 1973/016009/07


  • Do not slaughter for human consumption within 213 days of last treatment (As per instruction from The Registrar, Act 36/1947).

    Do not use in lactating cows where milk or milk products may be used for human consumption. Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.

    Do not exceed recommended dosage.

    Do not use the product after expiry date as it may be ineffective or harmful to the animal.

    A swelling may occur at the injection site in some animals which would disappear without forming abscesses.

    Salivation may be seen after treatment. Protect from light.

    Treatment of over dosage is symptomatic and supportive.

    If poisoning occurs, contact a doctor or healthcare professional.

    Although this product has been tested extensively under a large variety of conditions failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.

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