Antiparasitic remedy for cattle and sheep.
Store below 30º C and away from sunlight.
Ivermectin 10 mg/mℓ
Internal parasites of cattle
For the treatment of gastro-intestinal roundworms, Parafilaria bovicola (false bruising) and eye worm (Thelazia).
CEVAMEC 1 % Injectable Solution is effective against the following internal parasites of cattle when given subcutaneously at the recommended dose of 200 µg/kg body mass.
Wireworm, Brown Stomachworm, Cattle Bankruptworm, Hookworm, Nodular worm, Thelazia (Eye worm): control immatures and adults, >90 % effective - 70 day interval must elapse after treatment to allow lesions to heal).
Parafilaria bovicola (False bruising): aids in control, 60 - 89 % effective.
External parasites of cattle
Kills sucking and biting lice and mange mites.
Controls Sand tampans infesting cattle for up to 3 days after treatment. Kills cattle screw-worms present at time of injection. Protects against screw-worm strikes for two weeks after administration. Controls Blue ticks (Boophilus spp.) on cattle. For control of Blue ticks, treatment must be repeated every 21 days.
Kills sheep scab mites. Controls Australian itch mites.
Nasal worm: Highly effective against all stages (1st, 2nd and 3rd instar larvae).
Wireworm, Brown Stomachworm, Cattle Bankruptworm, Hookworm, Nodular worm, Large-mouthed bowelworm: control immatures and adults, >90 % effective.
Long-necked bankruptworm: aids in control, 60 - 89 % effective.
Pack sizes and Ordering codes
50 ml (LVS97900)
500 ml (LVS98294)
Reg. No. G2811 (36/1947)
Reg. Holder: Ceva Animal Health (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 7707. Halfway House. 1685. Tel. 011 312 4088,
Company Reg No: 1973/016009/07
Do not slaughter cattle or sheep for human consumption within 21 days of last treatment.
Do not use in lactating cattle where milk or milk products are used for human consumption.
Do not use in dairy cattle within 28 days of calving.
Do not use intramuscularly or intravenously.
Keep out of reach of children, uninformed persons and animals.
Although this remedy has been extensively tested under a large variety of conditions, failure thereof may ensue as a result of a wide range of reasons. If this is suspected, seek veterinary advice and notify the registration holder.