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For animal use only.


A sustained release bolus containing iodine, cobalt and selenium, intended for growing cattle on grass or forage-based diets with a liveweight of 200-400 kg. Designed for situations where iodine, cobalt and selenium supplementation is essential for efficient growth, optimum health and fertility but where additional copper is not required.


24/7 Smartrace® Growing Cattle supplies the animal's full daily requirement of each essential trace element for 180 days.


Active Ingredients: Daily supply over 180 days from 130 g blous

Iodine 18,7 mg

Cobalt 2,2 mg

Selenium 1,0 mg



One 130 g bolus should be given to each animal.


Always use the recommended Agrimin cattle bolus applicator A.


10 x 130 g (LVS04291)

Agrimin cattle bolus applicator A (LVS04351)


Reg. no. V32114 (36/1947)

Reg. holder: Lionel’s Veterinary Supplies (Pty) Ltd, 7 Isotope St, Stikland, Bellville, 7530, Tel. 021 932 2019

Agrimin 24/7 Smartrace® Growing Cattle

    • Eroding technology means consistent supply of trace elements
    • Delivers full daily requirement of iodine, cobalt and selenium
    • Free of copper – important for closely managed dairy cows
    • Contains no GMOs or material of animal origin
    • Bolus applied in one single, simple application
    • Active life of 180 days
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