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For animal use only.


A short-term, sustained release bolus containing calcium, intended for use in adult dairy cows over 400 kg liveweight, at calving.


Active Ingredients: Each 203 g bolus contains 43 g of calcium

Calcium Chloride 56%

Calcium Sulphate 23%



1. Pre- and post-calving regime

  • Administer one bolus at the first sign of calving.
  • Administer a second bolus 12-15 hours after the first bolus.


2. Post-calving regime

  • Administer one bolus immediately after calving.
  • Administer a second bolus 12-15 hours after the first bolus.


Always use the recommended Agrimin cattle bolus applicator.


12 x 203 g (LVS06315)


Reg. no. V33950 (36/1947)

Reg. holder: Lionel’s Veterinary Supplies (Pty) Ltd, 7 Isotope St, Stikland, Bellville, 7530, Tel. 021 932 2019

Agrimin 24/7 Calcium Bolus

    • Reduces the risk of milk fever and reduces the risk of relapse if given after IV calcium.
    • Contains DCAB value calcium: - Calcium chloride, 31g (fast release) and Calcium sulphate, 12g (slow release).
    • DCAB Calcium will support a cow’s ability to efficiently mobilise calcium from bone reserves and increase calcium absorption from diet.
    • One bolus contains 43 g calcium = a cow’s daily requirement*.
    • One bolus = 3.5 x the amount of calcium in 1 bottle of injectable **.
    • Can be given to all cattle either just prior to or after calving as blanket herd support.
    • None of the palatability problems associated with gels and pastes.
    • Easy to administer.

    *Based on a requirement of 40 g for a dry cow (NASEM 2021 requirements)                       

    **Injectable calcium (Calciject 40 CM (No.5)) contains 11.9g calcium according to its datasheet.  24·7 CALCIUM contains >3x more at 43g per bolus.

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