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Hog Day 2019

Lionel's News

Number Two Piggeries Group and Lionel’s Veterinary Supplies held their 15th annual Hog Day from 23 - 25 October 2019.

The theme was “Production to Profit” and concentrated on the cost of production and not solely on production and performance. Seven international speakers presented various topics and delegates were privileged to share their wealth of knowledge and experience.

The common “thread” among producers worldwide was that challenges are more frequent and greater; Survival and growth will be based on the following basics:

  • It must be about the people: look after your employees well, train them and motivate them.

  • Use modern technology as often as possible – you are a global player.

  • Protect your environment: it is the only one you have.

  • Adopt animal welfare policies wherever possible.

  • Focus on the big drivers in your business and be precise in planning, implementing and monitoring.

  • Talent is never enough: you need to apply talent and you need to keep growing it.

  • Teamwork and communication is key.

  • Leave a LEGACY.

The delegates were fortunate to have Jean de Villiers as a key note speaker at the closure. His message was also about people, attitudes, teamwork and communication.

Mr Philip Von Memerty - Chairperson of Hog Day 2019 - stated that he believed it was a successful conference, there was a blend of youth and experience and interaction was good. He expressed his heartfelt gratitude to every sponsor, to Duncan, Lourika, Danél, Nicole and the entire “Lionel's Team” for all the contributions.

His closing comments were “GO FOR THE BIG GAME – GIVE IT ALL!”

Philip von Memorty with former Springbok, Jean de Villiers.
Philip von Memorty from No.2 Piggery Group, with former Springbok, Jean de Villiers.
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